

Specially chosen Angelk9 gifts can be included in gift set or bought separately

For Every Dog An Angel

Beautifully written and illustrated by Christine Davis. I received it as a condolence gift myself years ago. The story confirms that not only do our special companions act as our angel, but they have an angel of their own. Suitable and comforting for all ages. Jacketed hardcover book measures 6 3/4 in. X 5 1/4 in.


Memorial Paw Print Remembrance Pin

This fine cloisonne pin with premium quality clutch arrives mounted on the a black velvet pad and measures 1 in. x 1.25 in. “Forever in my Heart” is engraved on the back of this caring keepsake. The acrylic gift box has a readable backside that reads: “Until we meet at the Rainbow Bridge you will be “forever in my heart”. In Memory of your beloved pet and unconditional best friend. With condolences and sincerest sympathy..  


                                         $ 12.95

A division of SnoozenArt LLC

For Every Cat An Angel


Rose Quartz Crystal Heart

Strong crystal for emotional healing. Measuring  1 1/4 in. x 1 1/2 in.  this smooth heart shaped quartz crystal has an off center hole in it signifying the “hole left in your heart” with the passing of your beloved pet. Rose quartz is widely known for it’s ability to foster acceptance, inner peace, forgiveness and self-forgiveness. Known to heal heartache and loneliness, induce emotional release and clearing, ease fear and soothes grief. On 100% black cotton cord to hang right at your heart.


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